Lola Rose Joan

Lola Rose Joan was born on 30th September 2014 at 9.52am weighing 8lb 3oz by emergency C-section

She was an absolute surprise when me and A found out we were pregnant but since having a bump she's felt like a huge part of our family.

As you can see she has 3 names, 1 first name and 2 middle names. Some people do hyphenate her first names but its not how it should be.

Lola comes from what my childhood doll was called and I've always I wanted to use it for my future baby.

Rose is after my mum.

Joan is after A's mum

I really can't wait to watch and help my baby to grow and develop and I'm lucky enough to be able to document the journey.

Thanks for reading

1 comment:

  1. Awww she's gorgeous! My little girl is called Rose and I love the name Lola :) she's perfect x
