Wednesday, 10 June 2015

A long absence

Its been quite a while since I last posted. Ive been really busy & lost my blogging mojo but im back now and ready to blog away again.

A lot has happened since I last blogged so we have a lot to catch up on.
We have moved into a new house so decorating took alot of my time. I have gone back to work part time and Lola is a whole 8 months (36 weeks). She has changed so much and is doing brilliantly with weaning. Also she has learnt to crawl so I now need eyes everywhere.

Its crazy how quick things change.

Till next time.......
Jess & Lola

Friday, 30 January 2015

Liebster Award

I've been nominated for a Liebster award!
I'm so excited about this as I'm new to blogging and I am enjoying it so much and love connecting with other bloggers.

After spending some time on Google, I found out that the Liebster Award is sent around the blogging community to those who have fewer than 200 followers. Its another way of finding and connecting with new blogs and bloggers.

The lovely lady Janine over at Janines little world nominated me, thanks again.

Here it is: 

Now, there are some rules for this Award, for anyone who isnt familiar with them:

1. Post the award on your blog
2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog
3. Write 11 random facts about yourself
4. Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and have less than 200 followers
5. Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees a set of new 11 questions

11 random facts about me

* I havent told anyone close to me about my blog.
* I have lived in Sheffield my whole life.
* I have the worst memory, its even worse since I have had Lola.
* I have a housework routine that I follow every week.
* I have 1 sibling, my sister.
* I speak to my sister everyday for hours at a time and never run out of things to say.
* I don't drink any hot drinks
* I only like soup with bits in, don't like "smooth" soup
* I can't drink water from the bathroom tap, it just doesn't taste the same.
* I have "sing-a-song-itus" a condition where if someone says something that is a line from a song you bet im going to sing it back to them.
* I am a terrible singer

I nominate 

The questions I was asked

1. How did you come up with the name of your blog?
Mr A said "guess Mums your new name" when I told him about our pregnancy. He was over the moon about it though.

2. Why did you start blogging?
To record my memories of Lola being small, I didn't realise just how big the blogging community is.

3. Where in the world do you live?
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England.

4. What is your favourite TV programme?
I don't really have a 1 favourite programme but I do watch all the soaps and all reality tv

5. Tea or coffee?
Niether, I dont like the taste of any.

6. 3 things you would take to a lonely island
Tablet for blogging, kindle to read and my phone so I could text family and friends.

7. What is your biggest achievement in life so far?
Having Lola, she is the single most important thing to me and I'm so proud of her.

8. You won the lottery, what would you spend it on?
Usual things, new house and cars, holidays. I would give my family some aswell.

9. What is your dream destination?
Disneyworld in florida, I love all things disney.

10. What did you last eat?
Breakfast cereal

11. What was your favourite toy as a child?
My cabbage patch doll that I named Lola. My mum could never understand where I got the name from.

My questions for my nominees

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. How long have you been blogging?
3. Any other hobbies you have?
4. What is your guilty pleasure?
5. If you had 1 day to yourself, what would you do?
6. Favourite food?
7. Favourite drink?
8. Do you prefer to text or call?
9. Are you a working or SAHM?
10. Where in the world do you live?
11. Would you choose to live somewhere different? Where?

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Mummy tag

I found this on an online forum I'm a member of. So here goes:

1. Are you a stay at home or working mum?
I'm currently on maternity leave as Lola is only 4 months. I will be returning to my job as a dental nurse part-time in May 2015.

2. Would you have it any other way?
Not sure yet. Even though I would love to be a SAHM we really couldn't afford it.

3. Do you co-sleep?
No we don't, Lola has just recently moved to her big girl cot after being in her moses basket since birth.

4. What is your one must have item for your baby?
Muslin squares!! I use them for everything, cleaning sicky moments, emergency bibs and changing mats, lining public changing stations, as a teething rag and to swaddle Lola when she was tiny. You name it I probably use a muslin cloth for it.

5. How many kids do you plan on having?
I always just wanted 1 baby, I have a stepson as well so our family is now complete with Lola.

6. Date night? How often?
I do love a date night makes us appreciate each other more I think. We've only been out once since Lola has been born but have made a new years resolution to try at least going out once a month.

7. Your child's favourite show
Lola is only 4 months so she doesn't really watch TV. I do think she likes watching pointless with her daddy when he gets home from work.

8. Name 1 thing you bought before you had your baby but didn't end up using
Moses basket stand. Lola hated that it rocked when she moved and she couldn't settle properly.

9. Your child's favourite food?
Just formula milk ATM

10. How many cars does your family have?
We only have 1 car now to share even though Mr A takes it to work with him most days.

11. Weight gain - before, during and after pregnancy?
Bit personal but I put on 2 stone exactly during my pregnancy but have only managed to loose 1 and half stone since but as the saying goes 'it took 9 months to put on.........'

12. Dream holiday with the kids
Disneyland in Florida

13. Dream holiday without the kids
Disneyland in Florida. I'm a big kid and love every thing Disney.

14. How has your life changed since having kids?
I thought I loved my life before Lola but now it certainly feels complete.

15. Finish this sentence 'it makes my heart melt when......'
Lola smiles when I get her out of her cot first thing in a morning.

16. Where do you shop for your kids?
For Lola's clothes I shop at Next, Asda and Mothercare.
For her nappies, wipes and formula I shop at Asda.

17. Favourite make-up and skincare products
My favourite make-up brand is bare minerals. Their concealer is amazing, perfect for covering dark circles from sleepless nights.
Im using freederm skincare products at the minute as my skin is still bad after pregnancy.

18. Huggies or pampers?
I havent tried pampers as Lola is a asda little angels kinda girl. I dont think you can get huggies anymore.

19. Have you always wanted kids?
No I havent, I always wanted a career most of all. So Lola was a big shock but now she is here I cant remember my life without her. Im so proud to be her mummy and enjoy every second of it.

20. Best part of being a mum
I cant decide, I love it all. I love watching her grow and change, I love seeing her learn something new. Being a mum really is the best job in the world.

I tag everyone and anyone who reads this. Il look forward to reading your answers

Monday, 19 January 2015

Slow cooker recipes (1)

I have recently fallen back in love with my slow cooker. Infact i would go as far as to say im addicted to cooking with it.
I have recently joined a group on facebook for slow cooker lovers to share their recipes, hints and tips.
This is quickly becoming a firm favourite in our house:

Donner kebab fakeaway

500g of lean mince (lamb is best but i do use beef)
1 teaspoon of salt
1.5 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
1.5 teaspoon of garlic powder
1 teaspoon of pepper
1 teaspoon of oregano
1 teaspoon of mixed herbs

Mix mince and herbs together really well. I use my hand blender to make sure the mixture is smooth.
Roll into a loaf shape and place in foil that has been oiled slightly.
Make 3 sticks out of foil and place in slow cooker with a cup of water and place meat mixture of top.
Leave in slow cooker for 3-4  hours on high.
When finished slice thinly (I use my potato peeler) and serve in pittas with salad and sauce of your choice.

This goes down really well with Mr A and we have saved money not going to a take away.

Do you have any slow cooker recipes that you swear by?

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Lola - 12 week update (3 months)

So I have been a mummy to my little girl Lola for 12 weeks now (3 months seems so much longer and I want her to be little forever hehe).
Lola was 12 weeks old on the 23rd December and seems to learning and changing everyday.
Its crazy how quick they grow!
We have already started going to playgroup which she loves. Shes the littlest baby there so gets all the attention.
We are currently on a countdown to Lola's first christmas and have loads more activities/groups planned for the new year.

Lola weighed 13lb 1 last week when she was last weighed last week which is perfect for her. She is quite a petite baby but she definately has the weight.

We have grown out of most of 0-3 month clothes and are now wearing 3-6 months. Even though they are little bit too big. I love putting her in little outfits, dont think lola is fussed much either.

Lola is formula fed and has been since birth. She feeds a 6oz bottle every 3 hours throughout the day and none through the night now.

Lola has been in her bedtime routine since she was 6 weeks old. She will have her bath which she loves, a baby massage with her bedtime cream and a bottle. Daddy does this little routine with Lola and they both love the bonding time. We have recently started putting her down half awake so she can get used to taking herself off to dreamland.

Lolas daily routine isnt very set in stone we just normally play it by what sort of day we are having.
As she is so young her day tends to revolve around bottles, playtime, naps and walks in the pram.

Lola loves her comfort toy that i call her 'scruffy' she snuggles into him for her naps but not her nighttime sleep.
She loves attention and smiling at everyone. Lola really likes tummy time on her play mat aswell.

Dont really think Lola hates many things apart from needles.

At 3 months old Lola has started teething.  She is also quite strong with her head and has managed to learn to roll over from her front to her back.

Thanks for reading