Thursday, 8 January 2015

Lola - 12 week update (3 months)

So I have been a mummy to my little girl Lola for 12 weeks now (3 months seems so much longer and I want her to be little forever hehe).
Lola was 12 weeks old on the 23rd December and seems to learning and changing everyday.
Its crazy how quick they grow!
We have already started going to playgroup which she loves. Shes the littlest baby there so gets all the attention.
We are currently on a countdown to Lola's first christmas and have loads more activities/groups planned for the new year.

Lola weighed 13lb 1 last week when she was last weighed last week which is perfect for her. She is quite a petite baby but she definately has the weight.

We have grown out of most of 0-3 month clothes and are now wearing 3-6 months. Even though they are little bit too big. I love putting her in little outfits, dont think lola is fussed much either.

Lola is formula fed and has been since birth. She feeds a 6oz bottle every 3 hours throughout the day and none through the night now.

Lola has been in her bedtime routine since she was 6 weeks old. She will have her bath which she loves, a baby massage with her bedtime cream and a bottle. Daddy does this little routine with Lola and they both love the bonding time. We have recently started putting her down half awake so she can get used to taking herself off to dreamland.

Lolas daily routine isnt very set in stone we just normally play it by what sort of day we are having.
As she is so young her day tends to revolve around bottles, playtime, naps and walks in the pram.

Lola loves her comfort toy that i call her 'scruffy' she snuggles into him for her naps but not her nighttime sleep.
She loves attention and smiling at everyone. Lola really likes tummy time on her play mat aswell.

Dont really think Lola hates many things apart from needles.

At 3 months old Lola has started teething.  She is also quite strong with her head and has managed to learn to roll over from her front to her back.

Thanks for reading

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